A lot of people forget a lot of information unwillingly event information again unless unutur. but remember that some people have little, or perhaps the events up to the date of the crib and many other details. They do not live with the memories of these people are not even remember the details again detail all the events. 

What could be the limit of the brain?

These people can have a super memory difficulty to memorize something they keep in their mind a lot of things in the future. Even googled the past trying to hipertimez these people remember better. This syndrome is seen in 20-30 people all over the world together with the scientific community aware of only 9 years from this syndrome.

What will happen when we reach the brain's secrets *

Nothing of note to people how tempting in these patients, one of the price in daily life that nothing be many benefits to forget manic life, school and work to forget everyday life is something different manic forget other things söylüyor.hast are despite the recall date date everything past makes it difficult to distinguish current time . 
Events remains as fresh as yesterday and how everything is so prone to false remembering our mem if there is an outstanding biographical history will remember the historic events more from us in the years ahead. 

Hipertimez how to use the library described as the mastermind?

These people are the memories of the many programs they remember to test their skills faster than Google.


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