The result of the interaction of the ocean located beneath the frozen surface with hot rocks in the center of the satellite molecules found in some meteorites and after the life of likelihood arttı.ön of the world in this satellite by scientists of Saturn's presence sixth complex carbon-based molecules in Enceladus largest satellite is estimated to occur .so's findings, thanks to data from the Cassini spacecraft emerged. 

Is there life on Saturn I wonder?

Contact 1 billion if 195 million km away conjures aliens likely to be living in the Saturn According to the Fermi paradox reach a civilization of stars and even galaxies more than 13 billion per year to colonize, when the time since the universe's birth, yet scientifically considered of intelligence extraterrestrial we have not seen a lowering allow us to doubt about the absence of other assets.
Fermi paradox 

I wonder if we can fully prove that us of other beings?

Fermi's Paradox, the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations is apparent contradiction between the lack of contact with this civilization with a high probability. 
Scientists have explored this question for years. 1961 physicist Frank Drake, it has been developed to solve the mathematical equation: 
N = R * L fpneflfifc
Equation, the number of intelligent civilizations within the limits maintained by subsequent civilizations (N), in our case, was intended to find the Milky Way galaxy. R *, which could allow the development of intelligent life in the immediate vicinity of the formation of planets, stars ratio; fp is the fraction of these stars with planetary system; What, in a solar system with an environment that can sustain life is the number of planets; fl is the fraction of those planets that can sustain life; iakıll for the proportion of the planet's life that sustain life; fc, as long as their existence will improve the communication technology to send signals into space based on the fraction of intelligent civilizations; and L, the signal emitted is the time before the existence of these civilizations. commonly specified figures for these variables,


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