Assets of Einstein's relativity theory proposed, with an event horizon around them and perhaps at the entrance gate of the universe being like ourselves, and furthermore, said black holes can delete even past the edifices we can prove that destroyed the now only bodies. Allows the formation of black holes is embedded in the first active star . A star begins to collapse time of any celestial body is unable to beat its internal pressure .And there is no machine that can stop a star above a certain mass. In this case it consists of a black hole as a result of the collapse of the star . Black holes in the center of the majority of the heavens name has probably been formed. The second way thanks to the density of matter is that formed after the Big Bang occur. Many theories thrown about black holes, but is one of the more kanıtlanamamıştır.bun of the best-known living in parallel universes olduğudur.b parallel universe in our uni...